EAM Copywriting Written Articles

Here is a sampling of articles I wrote. Be sure to check here frequently for new articles. Get started learning something new today with the marketing articles below.

Not sure your marketing efforts are paying off? Don’t know which tactics are more effective for your business? Then you might need an extra set of highly trained eyes to review your efforts. Allow me to analyze your marketing strategy, goals, and measurement system.

Contact me to learn more about how to measure your marketing efforts today.

In this article, you’ll learn how Six Sigma and copywriting go together.  As a trained expert in Six Sigma continuous quality improvement methodology, I share a systematic approach to your marketing campaigns. I build repeatable processes, eliminate waste, and remove non-value added steps. This optimizes the process to squeeze out all the efficiency possible.

Contact me now to get your business started on the successful path to improve your marketing campaigns.

  • Explaining How Email Marketing Digital Marketing is Used to Increase Performance

This article will teach you about lead generation. It also explains what types of materials are used in lead generation. And where in the sales funnel those materials are used.

Learn more about lead generation and email marketing. Contact me today to get started on your next campaign.

Want an effective email marketing campaign? Planning is essential. Your strategy can be seen through the tactics you use within the campaign. Plenty of things could go wrong with an email marketing campaign.  Let me show you a predictable path so you can avoid failure.
Contact me to learn more about what things to avoid when planning your next email campaign now.